Character & Citizenship Education

Department Vision:
Every Hildan A Leader of Influence for the Common Good.
What We Desire
Every Hildan A Leader of Influence for the Common Good.
Subjects We Offer
Character & Citizenship Education
How We Nurture
Exposure – Through the CCE curriculum, we seek to develop in our students good character, resilience and social-emotional well-being, active citizenship and future readiness. The CCE curriculum is centred on three broad learning intents that articulate the core values and competences for the subject, namely Identity, Relationships and Choices.
These fundamentals are taught and applied in six content areas:
National Education (NE) - through commemoration of the 4 NE events and cohort learning experiences
Sexuality Education
Mental Health
Education and Career Guidance
Cyber Wellness and Family Education.
As a mission school, the CCE curriculum is enhanced by the teaching of godly values and principles through sharing during morning assemblies, weekly chapel periods and Praise and Fellowship Week.
Experience – Opportunities for learning, reinforcement and application of values, socio-emotional competencies, and citizenship dispositions are present during various key student development experiences, as well as teachable moments. Of critical importance, these experiences are cemented with teachers’ facilitation of learning and students' reflections that are guided by the Borton’s model of reflection.
One of the key authentic, learning experiences that the school provides to nurture our students in active citizenry is the Values-in-Action (VIA) programme:
Sec 1: Service to the Family/School
Sec 2: Service to the Environment
Sec 3: Service to the Community (Integrated Project)
Sec 4 and 5: Service to the Community (Student-initiated)
Click here to access more information about our VIA programme.
Extension – Students who are role models of positive attributes and values deepen their learning via student-initiated advocacy projects on causes of their choice. They showcase their learning in writing, presentations at the Service-Learning Symposium or participation in competitions.
Additional Resources:
Education and Career Guidance Resources
Click the link to access MOE resources on Education and Career Guidance (ECG):
Click the link to make an appointment with the ECG counsellor:
Cyber Wellness Resources
Click the link to access MOE resources on Cyber wellness.
Sexuality Education Resources
Click the link to access MOE resources on Sexuality Education:
Click the link to access more information on the scope of Sexuality Education in the school curriculum:
Click the link to access information on sexuality education at St. Hilda’s Secondary School:
School: Info_on_SEd_for_Schools_SHSS